Golf's Fastest Way
to Lower Scores
Learn the Secrets That the Pros Know
& Make Short Putting Look Easy

THERE's No Way Around It...
If You Want to Play Better Golf...
You Must Master Short Putting
- Learn why you don't have to hit 'perfect putts' to be a great short putter... You have to hit 'good putts.'
- Learn why most people miss short putts because of their plan, not their putting stroke.
- Learn the secrets and myths of ball entry and ball-to-hole ratio.
- Learn why short putting is both a science and an art... & why it's the science that transforms the art.
- 'Ultimate Secrets to SHORT PUTT Mastery' is an easy online video course that makes short putt mastery fun & simple.

In Mere Days, You Will Be Able to…
- Hit short putts with confidence, not fear.
- Hit solid short putts in the middle of the hole.
- Say "No thanks!" to gimmies.
- Lower your scores & anxiety.
- Understand your advantage over short putts.
- Increase your enjoyment of golf.
Ultimate Secrets to Short Putt Mastery

Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Short Putting... & Your Scoring?
SHORT PUTT Mastery is a 16-video course (plus additional drills) that walks you through the proper fundamentals of short putting.
- Understand ball/hole science and hole entry fundamentals that will instantly lower your putts per round.
- Understand the strategy behind planning your putts and choosing confident & decisive putt paths.
- Develop the mental & physical focus to make a bulletproof short putting stroke under any type of pressure.
SHORT PUTT Mastery also offers a video series PLUS private lesson package (*purchase advanced package below)
What's Included In Ultimate Secrets to SHORT PUTT Mastery Video Course...

An Introduction to the Course
A quick introduction to the SHORT PUTT Mastery Program:
- Why understanding the science helps the art of short putting.
- Why so many golfers struggle with mild to extreme short putting anxiety.
- Who is Dr. Terry Zachary and why is he qualified to teach you?
This introduction will make you eager to learn the science - and the art - of short putting.

Ball Hole Science
Learn why science favors the golfer on short putts.
- Why putts don't have to be perfect - they have to be good - to be successful.
- Why short putts are missed mostly due to fear, ignorance & assumption of perfection.
- The best science tip to calm your mind over short putts.
You’ll finish this video with a new attitude towards - and even a thirst for - short putting

Center Is Not Center
What most golfers believe is the center of the hole is not the center - on nearly all putts.
- Learn why most golfers under-read break when planning putts.
- Learn to see 'what the hole sees.'
- Learn why there is no such thing as a right- or left-center putt.
You’ll finish this lesson with old putting myths broken & new science giving you the advantage.

Speed, Spin & Gravity - Why the Ball Falls
Understand the reasons why golf balls fall into the hole - and why they don't.
- Increase your putting success percentages.
- Learn where to favor when you're not sure how much a putt breaks.
- Increase your odds of making short- and mid-range putts significantly.
You’ll finish this lesson understanding how to make sensible putt plans without fear.

Create Your Green Reading System
If you can't read a short putt, you can't plan a short putt.
- Learn green reading nuances that make you look clairvoyant.
- Becoming systematic - and automatic - in your green reading process.
- Learn to read short putts to improve mid- and long-range putting.
You’ll finish this lesson with an understanding of - and a system for - reading greens.

Every Putt is a 3" Straight Putt
Simplify your short putt strategy with an easy goal in mind every putt.
- Learn how to bring your target close.
- Make all short putts 'straight' to make your putting stroke simple.
- Ease your stress level by simplifying your short putt process.
This lesson will reduce anxiety, simplify (& systemize) your routine, & lower your scores.

The 5 Factors of a Dependable SHORT PUTT Stroke
5 key factors give you a stable & consistent roll on the ball every short putt.
- Learn the importance of 'Commitment' to the short putt process.
- Learn why stable posture is vital & how to create stable posture for EVERY putt.
- Learn to remove small twitch muscles entirely from your short putting stroke.
This lesson is where the greatest gains are made, bringing theory into confident application.

Summary & Final Tips for Short Putt Mastery
A review of the SHORT PUTT Mastery course includes reminders and additional tips:
- Remember WHY you have a huge advantage to make all short putts.
- Stick to the process, decide what works best for you, and adjust as needed.
- A rarely mentioned putter sweet spot hack that ensures solid short putt contact.
This lesson summarizes & solidifies what has been learned... plus a few extras!

The Life-Changing Benefit of SHORT PUTT Mastery
Our SHORT PUTT Mastery course develops beneficial skills in golfers that carry over into life.
- SHORT PUTT Mastery demands the habitual practice of focus in the face of distraction.
- Lower your putts per round while also developing mental & emotional perseverence.
- Few exercises challenge mental presence like short putts, when outcomes are feet away.
SHORT PUTT Mastery becomes your master teacher and trainer for the key life skill of presence.

Bonus MODULE - Advanced Practice Drills
Solidify what you've learned using our advanced short putting training drills & devices.
- Repetition makes your short putting techniques habitual, comfortable & dependable.
- Use PUTT Ramp™, MONEYBALL™, & PUTT Port™ (all included) for repetition drills.
- SHORT PUTT Mastery is the only program teaching short putt fundamentals & drills.
Advance your short putt skills to compliment your mid- and long-putting. Practice well!
PLUS Bonus #1: Receive 3 Leading SHORT PUTT training devices...

(Short Putt Trainer)
In your home, office, or on the putting green... PUTT RAMP is the ultimate short putt practice device. Practice can be fun! Use PUTT RAMP to become the master short putter you’ve always dreamed to be.

(Mental/Emotional Trainer)
MONEYBALL is a training system that teaches golfers to maximize mental performance – in any short putting situation. MONEYBALL offers enjoyable putting drills and games that lead to rock-solid putting, even under pressure.

(Putt Path Trainer)
Starting path is the most important factor for every putt. PUTT PORT teaches golfers to commit to a simple, consistent putting routine that gets the ball on its intended path - guaranteed. The result is huge confidence… and lower scores.

This Video Course Is For You If...
- You have (or have had) the yips
- You feel shaky on short putts
- You want to improve your knowledge of short putting
- You want to improve your scoring
- You want to improve your enjoyment of the game
- You want to beat your buddies
- You want to be an elite player
I'm Dr. Terry Zachary
Short putting kept me competitive as an amateur, college, and professional golfer. Let me show you how to think it - and how to do it.
As a former professional golfer, I've beat hundreds of advanced players I had no business beating. For over 3 decades, I've studied short putting relentlessly. It is a misunderstood part of the game. Short putting can destroy a round... or make it epic!
Come inside and learn the science of short putting that allowed me to hang with the pros - and will allow you to surpass your lowest scores!

"What I learned in the first three modules of SHORT PUTT Mastery already paid for the course in my mind. And the jewels keep coming. Great relief for my game... I use the practice devices daily. Thanks for a course that lived up to it's hype!"
- Robert Farrell, San Diego, CA

"I was about to quit the game because of the yips. Now I'm more addicted than ever! I especially liked the green-reading section, which helped me immensely. Thank you, Dr. Zachary, for bringing joy and interest back into my golf game."
- Bill Borg Memphis, TN

"As a student of the game, I already understood how much golf scoring depends on short putting. I did the video course and practice lessons. Now, I'm super-confident inside 6 feet. It's hard to believe how many strokes I used to waste. Thank you, Dr. Zachary, for letting your unique passion rub off on me."
- Sue Smith, Ontario, CANADA
Plus Bonus #2
'The Perfect Plumb Bob Method' ebook

Bonus #2
Learn the step-by-step process (and myths) of plumb bobbing. Receive a FREE eBook when you enroll in any SHORT PUTT Mastery course.
Video Courses

*If you aren’t completely satisfied with your SHORT PUTT Mastery program, tell us within 30 days
& we'll give you a full refund (less S&H of practise devices). There is no risk in pursuing short putt mastery!